
Co-Production Agreements

An audiovisual production under an international co-production regime is that which is produced by two or more economic agents based in different countries, who carry out production activities, sharing the responsibilities for the economic organization of the work. The incentive to carry out co-productions is in line with ANCINE’s legal competence, in terms of articulating with bodies and entities aimed at promoting the production, programming and distribution of cinematographic and video-phonographic works of the Mercosul member states and other members of the international community. International co-production makes it possible to expand markets, financing sources and the access to talents from other countries.

International co-productions may be made between countries with which Brazil has signed a film co-production agreement, and also with those without existing co-production agreements. Agreements may be multilateral (signed by blocs of countries) or bilateral, and seek to create more favorable conditions for collaboration between signatories.

Types of international co-production

There are two possibilities for Brazilian companies to do official international co-production projects, using the Brazilian incentive laws:

Without using an international co-production agreement

  • Ownership: at least 40% of the property rights comprising commercial exploitation must be owned by the Brazilian producer;
  • Artistic: at least 2/3 of the cast and main crew must be Brazilian or Brazilian permanent residents living in Brazil for the past 3 years or longer.


Through an existing international co-production agreement between Brazil and other countries*

  • The Brazilian co-producer may own from 20% to 80% of the property rights over the work;
  • The rules on hiring technical artists vary per the provisions of each agreement;
  • Resources regarding the Brazilian percentage do not necessarily have to be spent in Brazil – however, when such resources are sent to other countries, a tax must be paid.

*Territories with which Brazil has enacted co-production agreements:

Bilateral agreeements:

Argentina Yes No
Canada Yes Yes
Chile Yes No
China In the works In the works
France Yes In the works
Germany Yes Yes
India Yes Yes
Israel Yes Yes
Italy Yes No
Portugal Yes In the works
South Africa Yes Yes
Spain Yes No
United Kingdom Yes Yes
Venezuela Yes No


Multilateral Agreements:

Latin American Cinematographic Co-Production Agreement (Film + TV)

  • Argentina
  • Colombia
  • Cuba
  • Ecuador
  • Dominican Republic
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Spain
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela


Further information

For more information on international co-productions with Brazil, please check the website of ANCINE.

To check the current status of all audiovisual co-production agreements enacted in Brazil, including those that have been signed but with Congress approval pending, please check this table.